Monday, January 19, 2009

Thing 15

Podcasting - Part 2
I think the best place to start is using podcasts that are already out there.  Kids love their MP3 players and IPods.  We can't keep them in their lockers or hidden in their pockets.  What is it that they say?  "If you can't beat them, join them"!  We should embrace this technology instead of making these devices illegal.  So, it's a matter of finding just one teacher in the school to start having the kids listen in on a podcast.  Soon enough, our teachers will start to create classroom podcasts and everyone will be a winner.  I have a science teacher who does a weather report with her classes.  The kids video tape a weather forecast and we show it to the whole school.  Perhaps a weather podcast would be an easy place to start.  I'm going to work on this.

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