Friday, January 9, 2009

Thing 2

What makes a good blog?
I think a good blog is well organized and simple in format.  Blogs should be easy to read without animation that spins in your face and sound that contrasts with a users own background noise.  It's similar to the rules we teach students when doing power point presentations.  The background should reflect the information being given not detract from it.
How do blogs enhance existing web sites?
A blog can make a good web site more personal and informative.  For example, if you're shopping for a new camera, you expect to get to check a commercial web site about the specific information about what the camera can do but adding in a blog about how well it works for individuals will be the best selling point.  People want to get opinions about shopping, dieting, reading, etc.  Add in a blog to any of these web sites and people will keep coming back.
Are blogs an easier way for people to self-publish?
Absolutely!  The first time I heard about a blog was on a news program.  A woman blogged about cooking every recipe in a Julia Child cookbook.  She started out not to write a book, but just to share her experiences in the kitchen.  People responded in earnest and soon a book was born.  Julie and Julia is now a best seller.

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