Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 23

The last thing
I'm really glad that I took this class.  I admit that at the beginning, I was fearful that I didn't have the knowledge base to complete the program, but after getting my blog set up and I was able to easily import my picture, I began to relax.  It was fun and I was very happy to get a glimpse of so many different web 2.0 features that I now feel much more confident about my abilities. After viewing the last video that stated that education ranks last in technology behind coal mining, I feel that this type of class should be mandatory for all teachers.  We all know that we've been lagging behind other countries in the last 20 years but very last from all fields?  This is shameful.  They are right that we close our students off from using technology during the day and kids are craving it from all sides.  I think part of our problem stems from the fact that we are teaching into standardized tests and there is no time to develop needed creativity.  So, we need to create an atmosphere that uses technology in such a natural way that it blends into our daily teaching.  We have easily incorporated email.  This is a quick, efficient way to contact parents.  We all use video projectors and power point presentations.  We use united streaming daily to emphasize certain points.  Years ago, I worked one on one with staff to introduce those things, we have to keep trying with web 2.0 things until they, too, become second nature.  So, I'll pick and chose teachers to work with, and depending on their needs, I'll start with blogs, google docs, wikis, or pod casting.  It always starts with one person and then it grows.  With more and more people taking this class, it'll move more quickly and before you know it, we won't be ranked last for long.  

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